Not wanting to blend in with the crowd, and to deliver value to clients, R.A. Value Consulting has adopted a niche within the consulting sector.

Differentiate the way we do Business

Recognising the vital role that the internet has played in transforming the way we do business, our firm is differentiated through its online (remote) nature. Accordingly, we mainly service companies who conduct some, or all, of their business through the internet, whether that be via websites, social media, marketplaces, portals and more.

Develop Bespoke Solutions

As any modern day business would realise, even if you have a limited online presence, its reach can be influential. To accommodate this, we engage in a broad range of services, which are tailored towards your particular needs and objectives. This means, if the business you conduct isn’t necessarily online focused, we can still help you with a bespoke approach to solving a particular problem, or to help you grow your business.

Operate a Highly Dynamic Business Model

We believe that in today’s day and age, with the use of numerous software and VoIP platforms, most tasks can be undertaken remotely. Accordingly, we operate with a highly dynamic business model. With that said, not wanting to compromise on flexibility, we also offer our clients the option to engage in ‘traditional’ ways of working, including personal consultations.

Offer Value-Added Benefits

Our approach also affords clients several value-added benefits because we are not burdened by overheads, travel expenses, or expensive meetings. In particular, clients are able to realise value when it comes to projects with a short timeframe or quick turnaround. This is because time differences permit us to undertake work outside of your location’s regular business hours. Our approach is also favourable for confidential or non-disclosure projects, as a remote presence ensures proceedings are not exposed to staff or competitors.